Solidarity without borders – 2018 student elections

We are the independent left electoral list (LiLi) at the University of Kassel. We are taking part in the student elections 2018 for student parliament and senate. We support democratic self-government, we campaign for a university based on solidarity and we demand a critical and political General Student’s Committee (AStA).

Student parliament
List rank 3

List rank 4

The elections are from Tuesday, 19.06.2018, until Thursday, 21.06.2018. You can vote at the following places:

Polling station 1: Kassel, CampusCenter, Moritzstraße 18, foyer
Polling station 2: Kassel, Menzelstraße 13, Nordbau, in front of the mensa
Polling station 3: Kassel, Wilhelmshöher Allee 73, entrance area in front of mensa
Polling station 4: Witzenhausen, Steinstraße 19, Zeichensaal
Polling station 5: Kassel, Heinrich-Plett-Straße 40, room 1404

You’ll find our programme here:

Here you can find our media to the student elections:

Representation page in the magazine “Medium”

Election posters