Statement on the “email about the room of silence and religious universitary groups” from the university, Wednesday, August 24

LiLi, the Unabhängige Linke Liste (independent left electorial list at the university of Kassel), also criticizes the recent newsletter from the university, which refers to the universitary “prayer room” (actually the students’ rest room) as well as explicitly to religious university groups (ESG, KHG, MHG, SMD). It is not often that the university presidency sends an e-mail to all students. Precisely this happened now through the Vice President Mrs Clement on behalf of a so-called “Advisory Council of the Room of Silence”, of which we had not heard before, apparently to promote religion on campus, in an university room, which apparently was rededicated by the university’s presidency.

We are convinced and we never tire of emphasizing that the university as a place of enlightenment, criticism and social progress must necessarily be a secular place. Every person should be allowed to study, and of course all believers. However, religion is a private matter. The practice of religion on campus must not be actively supported by the university. We would wish that the AStA strongly speaks out to the presidency in support for a secular university. A self-administered students’ rest room would be urgently needed again in times of increasing fast pace in university culture. It is all the more a tragedy that this room is apparently converted without the inclusion of the students’ self-administration by the university’s presidency to a prayer room. This is unacceptable and has to be criticized.

The AStA as the representative body of the students’ self-administration is the institution at the university, which is democratically legitimized and should administer the students’ rest room, not some “advisory board” from outside the university, set in place by the presidency.


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New General Students’ Committee elected: Greens, socialist-democratic students’ bound and participation of liberals

With the electoral result of 3 from 25 seats in students’ parliament, we were the third strongest list, behind the coalition of Greens / Cooperative Witzenhausen and social-democrats (Jusos), a solid starting point for the coalition negotiations. We thank you for the continuing stable confidence of our electorate! We were able to keep our vote despite – or perhaps because of – an open radical left election campaign. Our success shows us that there is an irrefutable need for an emancipatory voice in university politics within the student body!

Due to the resounding success of the university group Greens / Cooperative Witzenhausen, a coalition could realistically only succeed in cooperation with this group. We presented ourselves constructively, diplomatically and also with a clear attitude in the coalition talks. Our substantive positions during the negotiations were primarily based on a movement and labor dispute oriented social policy, a political position of the General Students’ Committee (AStA), as well as a radical reform of the AStA’s education work, bundled within a new antifa unit. Especially in the last two points, we quickly encountered incomprehension, rejection and criticism during coalition negotiations.

Finally, in the last session of the students’s parliament, an AStA was formed with the participation of the coalition of the Green University Group / Cooperative Witzenhausen and the socialist democratic students’s bound (SDS). Together with the social-democrats we lined up opposing candidates. In places, the lack of information on the part of the future AStA speakers was negative in some cases! Particularly noteworthy here is the complete refusal of a content presentation of the SDS candidate for the important field of university policy. Providing information and accountability to parliament, as well as transparency, a democratic principle that is consistently recounted by both SDS and Greens as a leading figure in their political positions, were completely disregarded.

The relationship between the future AStA and the liberal university group is equally intransparent. Although there were no public statements on the possible involvement of the liberals in the new AStA, the future AStA alliance with the liberal university group set common lists for parliamentary committee elections. The liberals also voted in favor of the new AStA and the opposition candidates of social-demokrats (Jusos) and the us, the independent left list (LiLi).

The cooperation of the future AStA with the liberal university group was evident in the parliament. As if to emphasize this obviousness, one of the members of the liberals gave a signal not to answer a critical question to a representative of the SDS during his performance. Despite the contrary assurances, it can not be denied that a consideration must have been agreed with the liberal university group for its support of the new AStA. We condemn that there was no clear answer to our questions, and we therefore wonder how the SDS now wants to remain true to its socialist position in a largely non-left-wing AStA, apparently under the participation of the liberal university group.

We will critically support the work of the new AStA in the coming legislative period. We will also engage constructively in university politics and, above all else, seek to work towards educational and social progress through efforts in parliament. As part of our AStA coalition and opposition talks, we have been able to strengthen our relations with both Greens / Coop. Witzenhausen and social-democrats (Jusos). We are confident that we will be able to start our own projects in the future due to the willingness to cooperate constructively within both other large groups in parliament.

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Here comes our short speech that we held the day before yesterday at the 4 hour league’s mass picnic.

We are from the University Group Independent Left List. We have also recognized the need for radical reductions in working hours and have joined the league with pleasure.

In Kassel’s university context there is currently an increase in public visible organizing of wage dependend employees. These labor struggles should be supported.

It is important to us that wage labor is also problematized within academic staff. Here, too, the working day would have to be radically shortened – and not just on paper.

Of course, it is all about acute issues such as fighting temporary jobs and addressing holiday entitlements, but it’s also a lot about unpaid overtime on the one hand and job cuts on the other – absurdities of the capitalist reality.

We want to end now already, but not without thanking our voters for the 3 re-won seats in the students’ parliament that you brought us this week. Thank you all, have fun and enjoy your picnic today!

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Great thanks for your support! We are still with 3 seats for you in the students’s parliament.

You may already have noticed that yesterday the ballots were counted. There was an unforeseen huge victory for the Green university group with 40.05 % of StuPa votes and 11 seats in parliament. From now on, the Green university group will be by far the strongest university group and will be strongly involved in the next General Students’ Committee.
But now to our performance: Although we missed our 4th seat in the students’ parliament again, we achieved with 380 votes for us in parliament as many votes, as never before, even though we were the last legislature not part of the General Students’ Committee and although we have driven a clearly radical left election campaign. With this we have further improved our election results to the present day. With these 11.56 % and three seats, we are again the third strongest force.

The entry into the senate, we have unfortunately missed. As in previous years, 1 candidate of the social democratic list, 1 of the Green list and 1 of the electoral alliance got these seats.

We regard as a great success that, for the first time in two years, no far-right university group is more present in parliament. After the list of the party “Alternative for Germany” (“Alternative für Deutschland”, short: “AfD) in the previous legislature and the list of “Frischer Wind” (see also the article on the website of the research group Kassel about “Frischer Wind Kassel”) in the last legislature, both these two far-right university lists, which we had always accompanied critically, didn’t survive their first legislature in students’ parliament. This shows that it is by no means futile to fight against the current global shift to the right!

Overall, we are satisfied with the outcome of the elections. In the coming days, we will conduct coalition negotiations. We will, of course, keep you up to date on our facebook page.
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Solidarity without borders – 2018 student elections

Solidarity with the democratic self-administration in Rojava!

For the only independent list, for autonomous self-administration, solidarity without borders and a political, critical General Students’ Committee, from the 19th to the 21st of June vote for the independent left electoral list (Unabhängige Linke Liste)!

Polling stations:
Kassel, Moritzstr. 18, Campus Center, foyer
Kassel, Menzelstr. 13, North building, in front of canteen
Kassel, Wilhelmshöher Allee 73, entrance area in front of canteen
Witzenhausen, Steinstr. 19, Zeichensaal
Kassel, Heinrich-Plett-Str. 40, room 1404

Every single vote counts! You’ll find our programme here.

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Solidarity with the struggling women in Rojava, Iran, Europe and the whole world!

Since the 14th February the women’s revolution in free Afrin is defending itself bravely against the tanks, planes, fascist paramilitaries and islamist terror gangs of the Turkish AKP regime. At the 28th December the ordinary people in Iran spontaneously started rising to the streets. They demand social improvements, the ending of the dictatorship and the end of the misogynist laws of this islamic republic. Today in Europe as well as many other places worldwide the people are gathering against the worldwide patriarchy, because even at our place, even nowadays it makes a noticeable difference, whether a human was born as “boy” or but as “girl”.

The ongoing invasion attempt by the Turkish army as well as their allied jihadists on the canton of Afrin is also and especially an attack on the region’s women. Being part of the northern Syrian federation, the self-governing Afrin is centered in a revolution, which understands women’s liberation as the inseparable part of social liberation. Without feminism there’s no socialism. Feminism of northern Syria is varied. The self-governance’s bodys for instance are quoted and provided with parity double chairmanship, in the military the women are organized autonomously in YPJ, in the larger villages there are women’s shelters, women’s collectives and with Jinwar even a whole village exists for women seeking refuge. Besides in the reality of many women’s lifes also the liberation from ISIS meant a feminist revolution.

The opposite between the feminism of northern Syria on the one hand and Afrin’s invaders on the other hand, could hardly be bigger. The hatred against women and especially against those women, who stand in the way of the male jihadist domination attempts, drives the aggressors into barbaric acts of violence against women. A dominant woman in their crude ideology is one of the biggest horrors. If a jihadist is killed by a woman, he believes, he will not go to heaven, so he will miss the highest goal in life. It would therefore be more dishonorable to succumb to a woman in battle, as it is honorable to die in the jihad, that is to make the greatest possible sacrifice. The contempt of jihadists for women seems limitless.

These fascist misogynists must be assured of the enmity of every person who sees himself or herself as a feminist. Our deep solidarity with the women of Afrin is a given today on the global day of women’s struggle!

Thus, the attack on free Afrin also makes clear to us the social environment of this women’s revolution. In many states and dominions in the region today, society is being terrorized by political Islam. But not only in Kurdistan the resistance is stirring. In the Islamic Republic of Iran, women of all immense consequences for life and limb are publicly shedding their headscarves. They just want to live without being harassed by the laws of the criminal ruler Khamene’i and his henchmen. The battles in Kurdistan and Iran, however different the social situation may seem, are only examples of struggles that are waged everywhere, by people of all genders, but above all of women. This is also the case in Germany, where people are fighting against a policy that humiliates and criminalizes women for their abortions. The criticism of patriarchy aimed at eliminating this misery also means always examining our own position in this social relationship, because it is also in us, albeit with very different effects than in Iran or Afrin.

There is still a great deal to do in the world, no matter in society, with what kind of gender or non-gender a person identifys. Instead of tackling all that is still to be done, we are currently experiencing a social rollback in many parts of the world. The more determined we must be, and the world’s people, whose sometimes life-threatening anti-patriarchal struggles we do not want to adorn, must fight against this rollback and long for the free, democratic, gender-free, truly human society. Here at the university, in our city, in Germany, in Europe, in Afrin, in Iran and all over the world.

No God! No state! No patriarchy! Out on the 8th of March!
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Soon Lili will have her own blog here

LiLi’s blog is going to be here.

Until then please inform yourself on our Facebook page.

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